% From http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/121601/ddg#121618

% This is important for A) accessibility, and B) getting the document title to display in PDF viewers
	pdflang={en-GB}, % Set this to the ISO code for the primary language you are writing in
	pdftitle={Enter the title of your work here},
	pdfauthor={Your name},
	pdfsubject={Your subject}


\newcommand{\reporttype}{Final Report}

% % Fill out the following information to customize your title page
\title{Report Title}

% % Uncomment one of the following lines according to your degree title
%\newcommand{\degreetitle}{BSc Ordinary}

% % Fill your degree programme name here
\newcommand{\progname}{Degree Program}

% % Fill in your word count here







